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Past Productions 2000-09

Blithe Spirit by Noel Coward
8th - 13th
November 2004

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Julie Lawrence, Ginny Watts, Graham Wild, Terry Emm, Shirley Gregory, Joan Tyson, Jose Tarnowski.


Office Suite by Alan Bennett
16th - 21st October 2006

A Visit from Miss Prothero.

Directed by Elaine Stewart.  Cast: Chris Cook, Connie Walker.
Talking Heads.

Directed by Elaine Stewart.  Cast: Ginny Watts.

Green Forms.

Directed by Graham Tyson.  Cast: Vicki Hyde, Margaret Stirratt, Terry Emm, Elaine Stewart.

Breath of Spring by Peter Coke
8th - 13th
May 2006

Directed by Joan Tyson.

Cast: Jose Tarnowski, Graham Wild, Margaret Stirratt, Sandra Pollard, Ginny Watts, Connie Walker, Terry Emm.


Ladies Who Lunch by Tudor Gates
6th - 11th February 2006

Directed by Robin Richards.

Cast: Chris Cooke, Connie Walker, Nichola Guy, Sandra Pollard, Richard Guy, Bronya Manley, Shirley Gregory, Fred Kelly, Elaine Stewart, Pat Kelly, Ginny Watts, Robin Richards.


Bedroom Farce by Alan Ayckbourn
7th - 12th November 2005

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Graham Wild, Joan Tyson, Robin Richards, Ginny Watts, Phil Lawrence, Julie Lawrence, Terry Emm, Jose Tarnowski.

All My Sons by Arthur Miller
9th - 14th May 2005

Directed by Fred Kelly.

Cast: Bob Beale, Elaine Stewart, Phil Lawrence, Angela Reynolds, Richard Guy, Robin Richards, Vicki Hyde, Terry Emm, Ginny Watts.


Dead Guilty by Richard Harris
7th - 12th February 2005

Directed by Robin Richards.

Cast: Julie Lawrence, Jenny Nicholls, Robin Richards, Kathie Reynolds, Fred Kelly.


Spring and Port Wine by Bill Naughton
21st - 27th May 2004

Directed by Joan Tyson.

Cast: Connie Walker, Jo-Anne Eaton, Vicki Hyde, Edward Bickerstaffe, Richard Guy, Julie Lawrence, Fred Kelly, Ian Merryweather.


Absurd Person Singular by Alan Ayckbourn
2nd - 7th February 2004

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Robin Richards, Connie Walker, Graham Wild, Joan Tyson, Phil Lawrence, Jose Tarnowski.


Under Milk Wood By Dylan Thomas
10th - 15th November 2003

Directed by Michael Goodchild.

Cast: Fred Kelly, Terry Emm, ian Merryweather, Phil Lawrence, Robin Richards, Paul Drake, John Ronayne, Graham Wilde, Ginny Watts, Vicki Hyde, Jenny Nicholls, Connie Walker, Sandra Pollard, Angela Reynolds. 


The Cemetery Club by Ivan Menchel
12th - 17th May 2003

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Joan Tyson, Jose Tarnowski, Connie Walker, Michael Goodchild, Shirley Gregory.


Habeas Corpus by Alan Bennett
3rd - 9th Febuary 2003

Directed by Fred Kelly.

Cast:Graham Wild, Vicki Hyde, Chris Eastwood, Jose Tarnowski, Connie Walker, Paul Drake, Jo-Anne Vasey, Julie Lawrence, Terry Emm, Robin Richards, Fred Kelly.


Crown Matrimonial by Royce Ryton
9th - 16th November 2002

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Ginny Watts, Joan Tyson, Shirley Gregory, Graham Wild, Robin Richards, Jose Tarnowski, Connie Walker, Ian Merryweather, Julie Lawrence, Paul Drake.


Day of Reckoning by Pam Valentine
11th - 18th May 2002

Directed by Joan Tyson.

Cast: Connie Walker, Angela Reynolds, Kathie Reynolds, Jane Merryweather, Ginny Watts, Hazel Britton, Jose Tarnowski, Robin Richards.


Mother Goose by John Morley
12th - 19th January 2002

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Ian Merryweather, Penelope Ellis, Lauren Gregory, Terry Emm, Paul Drake, Richard Guy, Peter Britton, Chris Eastwood, Fred Kelly, Angela Reynolds, Robert Kelly, Vicki Hyde, Kathie Reynolds, Lysa Nelson, Leanne Hibberd, Lauren Micciche, Kirsty Patch, Sophie Robins, Sarah Wyatt.



The Secretary Bird by William Douglas Home
20th - 27th October 2001

Directed by Robin Richards.

Cast: Graham Wild, Jose Tarnowski, Connie Walker, Angela Reynolds, Terry Emm.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
12th - 19th May 2001

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Fred Kelly, Paul Drake, Ian Merryweather, Joan Tyson, Catherine Dufour, Kathie Reynolds, Penelope Ellis, Robin Richards, Richard Guy, Connie Walker.


The Odd Couple by Neil Simon
3rd - 10th February 2001

Directed by Joan Tyson.

Cast: Jo-Anne Vasey, Angela Reynolds, Jane Merryweather, Ginny Watts, Jose Tarnowski, Connie Walker, Terry Emm, Fred Kelly.


Taking Steps by Alan Ayckbourn
4th - 11th November 2000


Directed by Robin Richards.

Cast: Ginny Watts, Richard Guy, Paul Drake, Graham Wild, Fred Kelly, Catherine Dufour.

After September by Jimmy Chinn
6th - 13th May 2000


Directed by Joan Tyson.

Cast: Richard Guy, Jo-Anne Vasey, Jose Tarnowski, Wendy Newton, Catherine Dufour, Jane Merryweather, Angela Reynolds, Vicki Hyde, Ginny Watts, Kathie Reynolds, Connie Walker.

The Sleeping Beauty by John Morley
15th - 20th Janu
ary 2000

Directed by Graham Tyson.


Things We Do for Love by Alan Ayckbourn

9th - 14th February 2009


Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Jose Tarnowski, Margaret Hobbs, Ian Merryweather, Terry Emm.


Two Weddings and a Funeral
13th - 18th October 2008


Three one-act plays directed by Elaine Stewart:

A Respectable Fun
eral by Jimmie Chinn.

Cast: Ginny Watts, Pat Kelly, Jane Merryweather, Fred Kelly.

Who's Wedding is it Anyway by Margaret Bower.

Cast: Vicki Hyde, Julie Lawrence, Bronya Manley, Shirley Gregory, Elaine Stewart.

A Present for a Lady by Philip Johnson.

Cast: Ginny Watts, Brenda Vowels, Elaine Stewart, Bronya Manley, Vicki Hyde.


Let's Pretend by Vanessa Brooks
12th - 17th May 2008


Directed by Vicki Hyde.

Cast: Charlotte Dempsey, Kathie Reynolds, Chris Cook, Robin Richards, Elaine Stewart, Julie Lawrence, Terry Emm, Jane Merryweather, Hal Merryweather.


The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
4th - 9th February 2008


Directed by Fred Kelly.

Cast: Elaine Stewart, Phil Lawrence, Angela Reynolds, Simon Haines.

Intimate Exchanges by Alan Ayckbourn
8th - 13th October 2007


Directed by Elaine Stewart.

Cast: Chris Cook, Ginny Watts, Bob Beale, Connie Walker.


Third Week In August by Peter Gordon
7th - 12th May 2007


Directed by Joan Tyson.

Cast: Jose Tarnowski, Fred Kelly, Connie Walker, Sandra Pollard, Richard Guy, Bronya Manley.


The Late Edwina Black by William Dinner & William Morum
5th - 10th February 2007

Directed by Graham Tyson.

Cast: Sandra Pollard, Jose Tarnowski, Chris Cook, Ian Merryweather.

The Chiltern Hundreds by William Douglas Home

11th - 16th May 2009


Directed by Fred Kelly.

Cast: Robin Richards, Brenda Vowles, Julie Lawrence, Bronya Manley, Bob Beale, Hal Merryweather, Elaine Stewart, Chris Cook, Graham Tyson.

Summer End by Eric Chappell

19th - 24th October 2009


Directed by Connie Walker.

Cast: Elaine Stewart, Ginny Watts, Jose Tarnowski, Robin Richards, Angela Reynolds.

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