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Nailsea Little Theatre
are our Business
Scroll down for our latest production
After 13 years, the company that designed and managed our old website told us it had to be replaced at a cost of nearly £4,000. This unexpected expenditure was not acceptable to our Treasurer, so he has built this new website using Wix, with no set up fee and significantly lower annual costs. Our previous supplier were very helpful in getting our web and email addresses moved over on 12th January 2024.
We hope you like this new look and find it easy to navigate - please explore all the pages via the menu above. All the details for forthcoming productions are now in one place on the Home page, with links to TicketSource for online booking. The newly styled History pages have details of all past Shows by decade, with photos to scroll through under most of the Shows from 2020 onwards. Photos from earlier Shows are on the new Gallery page. Links to Facebook, where all our latest news is posted, are in the header and footer of each page.
Following our completely sold out production of
Yes, Prime Minister, the first show of 2025 will be:
Blue Remembered Hills by Dennis Potter
Sunday 23rd February to Saturday 1st March 2025

We see the cast of seven seven-year-olds in real time on a summer afternoon during the Second World War playing in the Forest of Dean. This play, on the face of it simple and amusing with adult actors presenting children, has a very much deeper and darker message to offer, that of how human frailties and thought can be passed down from generation generation. The children play, fight, fantasise and swagger, their aggressions, fears, hostilities and rivalries a microcosm of adult interaction.
The matinee will start at 2:30 on Sunday afternoon and the doors will open at 1.45pm. All the other performances will start at 7:45pm with the doors opening at 7 o'clock.
All seats are unreserved, priced at £12 (£6 for students). Tickets for this Show are now available and can be ordered via TicketSource (booking fee of 50p payable) using one of the buttons below or at the top of the page.
If you don't wish to book online, please contact the Box Office. Opening times are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 12 noon; contact details at the top of the page. Availability can change at short notice so please check with the Box Office before paying. Please note that due to increased bank charges, a handling fee of 50p is payable on cheque payments. Alternatively, make a free bank transfer to:
Nailsea Theatre Club / Sort Code 40-34-39 / Account No. 80615013.
For Blue Remembered Hills please use the payment reference BRH and your name.